Grade 00 (Purple Class)

3 to 4 years old.

Directress: Hafiza Hoorzook - Montessori 3 to 6 Diploma

Assistant Directress: Zulfah Jacobs

Time Activity Skills/learning
08:00 Arrival of children  
08:30 Assembly (+/- 15 min)  
08:45 Children go into classes  
08:45 – 09:00 Toilet routine  
09:00 – 09:30 Ring time Grace and Courtesy           o   How to excuse oneself o   How to use a tissue o   How to greet someone o   How to carry a scissor etc. Numbers o    Rote counting 1-20 o    Sandpaper numbers Alphabet focus o   Phonetic sounds o   Rhyming o   ‘I spy ‘ games o   Vocabulary enrichment Sensorial o    Colours o    Geometric solids o    Touch and feel o    Covering length, breadth, height, shapes, etc.
09h30 – 10h30   Montessori Work Cycle (1-hour) o   The child chooses different pieces of work from the shelf from any of the five areas     
10h30 -11:00 Snack time  
11:00 - 11:20 Outdoor play Gross motor development
11:20 - 11:45 Free Play / Pretend Play Free Play / Pretend Play 
11:20 – 12:00 Story time & goodbye o   Story time o   Fruit time o   Home time

Theme focus - We follow a new theme on a weekly basis, such as our earth, our body, animals, planets, current news events, transport , sea Life etc throughout the year. Art and music is incorporated into the daily routine. On a Friday there is a special focus on art and gross motor development.